A Mountain of Youth

If you want to grow old but maintain a youthful energy, an agile, strong body and a happy and healthy mind, you need to seek out struggle; purposeful challenge. It is my opinion that rather than searching for a fountain of youth, we need to climb the mountain of youth. The passive path to health and longevity seems doomed to produce half measures at best. Drugs like Ozempic, “slimming” teas (laxatives), statins, most supplements, certain surgeries and even some uses of insulin only act as temporary or illusory band-aids , The easy path, as it seems, is laden with issues and does nothing to actually bolster the body from decay. Contrary to what you may think though, our minds and bodies respond very favourably to stress (the right kind and within reason of course) and so If you make intermittent discomfort a priority, it’s possible you can stave off chronic illness and mental strife.
Sourdough Sardine Toast

This is a classic recipe used in my nutrition plans. If you want to become obsessed with sardines this is how you start!
Toast is a great way to double the protein intake in what would normally be a mediocre meal as a closed sandwich. Sardine toast is also new for many people and it is a hard sell at first but trust me, it is so good and if need be you can replace the sardines with other protein choices. Though not included here I have great options in my nutrition plans with marinated tofu, pulled chicken, chickpea mash and a spicy deer steak slices, all of which can be prepared beforehand and used over the course of about 4-5 days.
The Truth About Seed Oils

Nutrition science is difficult, the food matrix and the digestive and metabolic processes that engage with it are incredibly complex. Trust in science makes things even more complicated when money and politics can interfere and incentives can be questioned. Yet in the hopes of saving lives hundreds of thousands of researchers around the world dedicate their entire careers to understanding dietary mechanisms and the net effect they have on human health.
When you simultaneously demand proof while dismissing overwhelming evidence you are not a skeptic you are a denialist.
Is Organic Food Healthier and Safer?

According to a clinical report by the Committee of Nutrition, Council on Environmental Health and Academy of American Pediatrics –
current evidence does not support any meaningful nutritional benefits or deficits from eating organic compared with conventionally grown foods, and there are no well-powered human studies that directly demonstrate health benefits or disease protection as a result of consuming an organic diet.”