A Plant Based Diet: Healthiest Option or Logical Fallacy?

Years ago I wrote a two part series called – is a vegan diet the healthiest way to eat? Due to website issues, those articles are gone and so I wanted to revisit the topic because I think it continues to be a relevant question.

I grew up vegetarian until I was about 12 and then animal sourced foods were limited for another few years after that. In my early 30s I began a 6 month on, 6 month off vegan/omnivore experiment that lasted about 5 years. I was looking to prove that I could thrive on a vegan diet despite my very high activity level as well as hit various goals of gaining muscle mass and managing certain blood markers. I did this with months of research prior to beginning and then continued this research throughout the process. So I am not coming at this from a one sided perspective.