Our Philosophy

the path of best resistance

Our philosophy page is often overlooked but it is important in knowing what you get when working with us. The following is more about who we are in general as trainers, researchers and individuals and less about what we are doing when designing training or nutrition programs. But it is that as well.

We recently changed our name from B-fit Studio to IKO or IKO LAB. We were searching for something that more represented our philosophical approach and thus the acronym IKO was born. It stands for Ikigai, Kaizen and Oubaitori – the 3 Japanese philosophies that best describe our approach to balanced, individual based health. The LAB part brings in our interest in keeping all the protocols research based. No gimmicks, no fads, no one particular style. .

Ikigai represents reason for being. Traditionally this includes aspects of what you love, what the world needs, what you are good at and what you do to make a living. This part represents your deeper reasons for being here with us as well as our reasons for being here with you. We want to blend all of these things into what we provide our clients. We want to offer our best selves to our clients, doing what we love and what we are best at. If we think someone else might be better at one aspect of your goals it is imperative to refer out.

Kaizen is the principle of small, continuous improvement. Positive change occurs incrementally through consistent behaviour patterns. Although it is possible to shorten certain time lines, this often comes with great sacrifice and potential harmful effects. We firmly believe that a slow progressive approach is the best way towards the vast majority of goals. Life is always in flux, but we can find small positive steps – be they mental or physical – that make us better.

Oubaitori is the spirit of not comparing oneself. Normally Oubaitori is written in 4 Japanese characters, each representing a different kind of blossom; cherry, apricot, peach and plum. Each one different and each one remarkable without any need for comparison. Living without comparing is harder today than ever before which makes it more important than ever. Individual promise is unique as is individual needs. We want to help shine a light on both – help you witness your own power and assist you in your own health journey without comparing it to anyone else’s. We focus on your skills and advantages rather than what is lacking. It is a much gentler approach to be aware of the big picture but colour in all the accomplishments and skills you already have. When the missing pieces of the picture are always at the forefront all we feel is dissatisfaction.

None of this is particularly informative in our approach, it does not spell out any kind of fitness protocols, nutrition programs or specific schools of thought pertaining to health. This is because we do not adhere to any one kind.

We take all of the above principles to heart. Our approach comes from a sense of knowing, listening and learning.. In order to do so we keep tabs on an ever-changing scientific landscape in the fields of nutrition and fitness. Our attention is equally split towards what our clients tell us they need and what we think may be the best approach given the current data. Balance is paramount. Any health professional that specializes too heavily in one direction inherently loses some ability to adapt to what is best for their client. You can get the benefits obtained through high intensity interval training, resistance raining, mobility work, VO2 max training etc., by sourcing the protocols from each rather than focusing on any one of them.

So you can tell us who you are, where you come from, where you would like to go and we will find the path of best resistance, which may include deferring to others who may know better.

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